Saturday, October 20, 2007

Surprise Itinerary Change

Well, my recent ventures into the world of SCUBA were enough to convince me to change my travel itinerary. My next stop will be the Philippines islands! I fly to Manila on October 23 and I plan to stay on the islands until late November when I meet up with Dave in Singapore to explore Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and a bit of Cambodia. My other option, if I didn't go to the Philippines, was to explore Cambodia and Laos. But I decided that the Phils would be more culturally distinct from the other countries I will be visiting and I have always wanted to visit there.

I bought a pirated Lonely Planet Philippines book here (the only kind available) for $6.50. I don't really have much of an itinerary yet, but that is part of the adventure. The Philippines is a somewhat more expensive location than Vietnam or Thailand because the tourist infrastructure is not as well developed and transport between islands tends to cost more than purely overland journeys.

I booked all of my tickets on the internet. In order to get the best prices, and because Saigon (my current location) has such bad flight connections, I will have to do an overnight on the way there in Singapore with an 11 hour layover. After a little outside the box thinking, I have decided to spend the night in the Singapore airport:

It is rated #1 by . . . wish me luck!

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